How much will my divorce or legal separation cost?

Family Advocates Law Firm prides itself in the quality of work and reasonableness of its attorneys’ fees and costs for clients. While it is impossible to know for certain what a contested matter will cost, we work diligently to communicate upcoming costs to our clients throughout the process. In an effort to ensure we stay within a budget, we provide personal attention and consistent contact with our clients to ensure the client is aware of the time required for his or her matter.  

Our mission is not to operate a “high volume” practice, but to properly attend to and communicate with the client to achieve the goals set by you and your attorney. As a result, as the client, you will play a key role in the cost and billable time spent on your case. Please refer to our mission statement to learn more about the distinguished service we offer our clients.

By | 2018-04-30T20:28:06+00:00 April 19th, 2018|